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Consuming the Right Weight Lifting Supplements

By: Dave Poon

Weight lifting is practiced by bodybuilders to develop size, strength and power in their muscles. However, it is not enough to just do weight lifting, it may be necessary to take supplements as well.

Bodybuilders need to adhere to 3 synergistic principles in order to continuously build muscles. These principles should be incorporated into a weight training program that will permit you to steadily develop.

These principles are: practicing intelligent weight training; using quality nutrition in a smart way; and resting adequately. Many weight lifters, bodybuilders and athletes have used these principles for years with discernible effects.

If you are having trouble gaining muscle despite following the right weight training practices and resting well, chances are you haven't been feeding your body the right amount and kind of nutrients.

You must steadily increase your calorie intake to produce a caloric surplus which will fuel your growth in size and strength.

The most important meal is breakfast since you need extra calories in your system that early in your schedule, before you start working out.

It would help if you actually had eaten 2 solid meals before going to the gym. Your muscles need more glycogen running through your bloodstream for strength.

It is also important to consume the top five favorite supplements of bodybuilders. These can be consumed throughout the year. These supplements are: protein powder, creatine, greens, Essential Fatty Acids, and multivitamins.

Of course, whether or not you take supplements, you must still consume a healthy well balanced diet. However, it is best if you subscribe to a healthy diet and quality supplementation.

Protein powder is important because it is a very convenient method of consuming extra protein at less cost. A weight training practicioner should consume a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight daily.

You can see that drinking several protein drinks throughout the day is easier than eating huge amounts of food just to bring in that much protein into your body.

Creatine is known to improve protein synthesis and decrease protein breakdown. The aftereffects are an increase in lean muscle mass, higher performance levels during high-intensity exercise, boosting energy levels, and hastening recovery rates.

Creatine is a natural product that can be found in many foods though for convenience weight training practicioners should take supplements.

Phytonutrients are antioxidants that are found in greens. Examples of these phytonutrients are carotenoids, polyphenols and chlorophyll. Phytonutrients are important since they shield the body from free radical damage.

Greens therefore bolster the immune system of the body, while detoxifying and nourishing it. One serving of greens supplements amounts to around 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables.

Essential Fatty Acids can be described as good fats. These good fats are actually long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids produced from oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids.

These help counter aging, and are beneficial for circulatory function, soft and smooth skin, adequate brain function, digestive support and building the immune system.

However, these are necessary fats that the human body fails to synthesize, and should be consumed orally.

For some people, getting their Daily Recommended Values for vitamins and minerals is easy since their diet is adequate. However, for others it might not be so easy since their diet lacks certain vital nutrients.

Thus, multivitamin supplements are necessary to avoid problems like nerve damage, weakened bones, or heart disease.

About the Author: Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Customer Service. For more information regarding Knowing What is Good Customer Service please drop by at

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